Online mountain bike coaching, is it a thing? Can you learn to mountain bike online? Lots of clients have admitted to me that they have tried to learn to ride better through watching ‘how-to’ mountain bike You Tube clips and Instagram tutorials online. And then in the same breath, pretty much most clients will express frustration.
After watching numerous online videos and reels, whether it is about how to ride a corner, or perform a specific skill, the messages are often conflicting and confusing. The end result is you can be left feeling overwhelmed by all the information, and unsure how and when to apply the concepts explained.
If you do persevere, are you performing the exercise the video describes correctly? How do you know you are doing it right, well, or if it is the correct technique to apply to your situation, trail and riding level? Another comment from mountain bikers is that they can do the easy corners…. it’s just the ‘difficult corners’ one they have trouble with. So what is going on here? How is so much information lost in translation? And is there space for both in-person and online learning?
Can you learn to Mountain Bike Online?
Let’s have a look into this and start with online learning. The sheer amount of accessible and free or cheap ‘how to guides’ out there make it an appealing option. I have a million ‘how-to’ coaching videos and reels regularly popping up on my own Instagram feed. You can learn at your own pace, on your schedule, and without breaking the bank.
But beware of the pitfalls – there is a definite lack of quality in videos. Not all coaches promoting content are teaching good habits. How do you know whether methodology or techniques are current, or when to apply them. There is a lack of personalised feedback, limited interaction, and credibility concerns, and these can often leave you feeling lost in a sea of conflicting advice.
Professional in-person mountain bike coaching offers immediate and qualified feedback. And if you get a good coach you can fast track your riding improvement. However, the cost and availability of properly qualified coaches can be prohibitive, or maybe time is short.
But what if there was a way to bridge the gap between online tutorials and in-person coaching?
New Online Mountain Bike Coaching Portal
Here is the answer! I have just released a NEW online video analysis and review coaching service. This is a cost effective way to get professional feedback on your riding on the trails you ride. I use structured coaching methodology and will provide clear and concise tips for real progression.
Via the Nic Johnson MTB Coaching Online Portal you will be able to purchase a session, submit a video of yourself tackling a skill or feature, and then receive timely and comprehensive feedback tailored to your needs. You will receive a report showing changes that can be made, feedback on your riding, analysis and breakdown of your video, tips for progression and more. And if required you will also be given access to’ how-to’ videos/photos to help demonstrate the skill further.
Whether you’re fine-tuning your technique after an in-person lesson with me, wanting to double check you have cemented a skill post lesson, or preparing for future in-person coaching, this online mountain bike coaching service offers affordability and accessibility without sacrificing quality. This also gives you the opportunity to see if in-person or more online coaching is something you could benefit from as a ‘try before you buy’ service.
By combining online resources with personalised feedback, you will be able to tackle those challenging trails with confidence. So why choose between online learning and professional coaching when you can have the best of both worlds and get some real progression?
Click the buttons below to start your journey, or learn more about this new online mountain bike coaching option, and take your riding to the next level.